Liquidity Ratios - Meausres a businesses ability pay off its debts without raising external capital
Current Ratio - The ratio between the assets and the liabilities of a business.
Current RatioCurrent AssetsCurrent Liabilities
Acid test - The same as the current ratio but takes into account the fact that a business is not certain that it sells all its inventory
Acid TestCurrent Assets - InventoryCurrent Liabilities
Usefulness :
- Comparisons from year to year can be made
- Shareholders see whether an investment would be a good decision
- Certain ratios can be used to measure the performance of a business
- Suppliers and potential creditors gain an idea whether a business will be able to pay them back
- Ratios are useful for providing a source of information of where there are problems in the business
- Helps management in their decision making
- Inflation may distort figures
- External factors may distort the figures
- Some caution needs to be used as there are no set benchmarks for judging ratios