International Trade - is the exchange of capital, goods and services across the borders of different countries.
- Variety - allows them to obtain products they cant make themselves
- Economic efficiency - Can enable a business to gain economies of scale when they expand into new markets.
- Growth - Access to lots more potential customers
- International Cooperation - Leads to less conflict between countries as they are dependent on each other
- Specialisation - A country can just stick to doing what they are best at.
Some countries though don't want to trade internationally, these countries put up trade barriers to limit trade to them.
- Foreign competition can lead to unemployment if domestic market is undercut
- To protect homegrown businesses that rent ready to compete on global market yet
- When a country runs a large balance of payments deficit
Free trade - trade without tariffs or quotas imposed on products.
Tariffs - a tax on imports or exports between countries.
Quotas - a restriction on the amount of goods a country can export or import
Trading bloc - a group of countries within a particular geographic region that protect themselves from imports from non-members (EU).
Types of Trading Blocs:
- A free trade area - this is one which two or more countries agree to reduce barriers to trade on all goods being traded between each other
- A customs Union - A common external tariff against goods imported from outside the bloc
- Common Market - All members tradeall resources freely, not just goods. Meaning barriers to trade goods, services , capital and labour are reduced.
- Access to a potential market of hundreds of millions of people
- Selling in another country can increase a businesses stability
- Access to raw materials and components at lower costs
- Access to capital from foriegn investors
- The potential for economies of scale
- Membership can hinder trade with countries outside of the bloc
- Domestic companies can be taken over by foriegn investors easier
- The scale of competition increase
- Block members have to abide by any laws the bloc establishes.
Factors that businesses have to consider when expanding abraoad:
- Language
- Culture
- Customs
- Logistics
- Currency
- Buying habits
Exchange rate - The value of the pound in terms of another currency
Foreign Exchange market - The market for currency, which is not in a single location but exists globally whenever buyers and sellers deal.