Franchise - a business with a well-known brand name(the Franchiser) lets a person (the Franchisee) or a group of people set up their own business using that brand for free. An example of this is McDonalds.

Advantages for the Franchiser:

  • Firm doesn't have to spend large amounts of money in order to expand
  • The products necessary for the franchise to operate are under the franchiser;’s direct control
  • If applicants are picked well then they can generate a continuous stream of revenue.

Disadvantages for the Franchiser:

  • Control issues where the Franchisee doesn't agree with how the franchiser wants them to run their business
  • Bad Franchisees can tarnish the reputation of a brand
  • Franchisee might not be able to do as well as the original location

Advantages for the Franchisee:

  • Greater chance of success as they are using an existing brand name
  • Specialist advice and training by the franchiser
  • Franchisor provides marketing support
  • May be easier to obtain a loan from a bank

Disadvantages for the Franchisee

  • Supplies have to be bought from the franchiser, can lead to them paying higher prices
  • Continuous royalty payments take away from profit
  • Franchisee has less control than a normal business owner would
  • A franchise is for a fixed period of time not automatically renewed
  • Business cannot be sold without the Franchisers permission

Co-operative - a business that is owned and run by its members (employees and customers). Profits are shared between members rather than being distributed to shareholders.


  • Establishing is legally straightforward and cheap to do
  • Employees more motivated as they are all working towards a common goal
  • Liability for members is usually limited
  • Higher quality of service as customers can be also be a part of the business


  • Employees may want more profits causing conflicts
  • Slower decision making as everyone has to be involved
  • Capital can be limited as everyone is taking profits out potentially leaving little to reinvest
  • Investors may be put off as it is not a traditional business type
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